
Best Available Technique

‘Best Available Techniques’), means the techniques that are the best available in preventing or minimizing emissions and impacts on the environment.​ European Union requires member states to adopt the Best Available Techniques, such as plants, control and management techniques are technically feasible and economically sustainable for each specific context, insuring low levels of pollutant emissions, optimization of the consumption of raw materials, products, water and energy, with maximum safety in accident prevention.​
BREFS (BAT Reference documents), All plants must be implemented with systems and techniques, or individual parts of plants, that are listed in the BAT Reference documents (BREFS), that are updated by the European Commission, on average, every 10-15 years.

The Oxycombustion Flameless Technology has been included in the BAT reference document for waste incineration. ​
The Oxycombustion technology, to date,  represents the European benchmark for waste thermal treatment: “The technology represents an important technological evolution towards the ‘zero emissions’ and ‘clean energy’ objectives of waste management processes, generally characterized by low propensity for innovation”. ​


It must be remarked that:

• It’s the sole Italian technology to be included in the BREFS (2019);​

• the qualification of BAT has been assigned to the entire Flameless Oxycombustion process and not just to parts of the plant or individual components, as usually happens.

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OXOCO S.r.l.
Piazza Giuseppe Massari, 19
70122 – Bari

Email: info@oxoco.it  oxoco@pec.it
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